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StockResearchPortal.com - Site components

StockResearchPortal.com organizes investment research in oil & gas and mining sectors around country economics, industry and company details, and company comparables.

The website’s company research component provides an overview of more than 1,500 companies in the Canadian oil & gas and mining industries, daily market and charting data; updated corporate filings including insiders and directors, press releases, newsletter commentaries, analysts reports and listings and much more.

StockResearchPortal.com’s industry research component provides lists and links to research websites, books, studies and publications on the oil and gas and mining industries and their sub-industries in gold, base metals, uranium, and oil & gas income trusts and service companies.

* StockResearchPortal.com’s e-learning centre is written to increase investors’ knowledge and improve communication about oil & gas and mining investment research among individual investors, investment advisors and securities analysts. It includes five educational booklets written by Ian R. Campbell, an independent leading Canadian Business Valuation Expert.

* Compare and rank companies and income trusts in the Canadian oil and gas and mining sectors by viewing head-to-head company trading volumes, market capitalization, stock price volatility and critical, updated financial ratios. Data is updated daily from TickerTech Technologies and Capital IQ Inc.

* StockResearchPortal.com allows investors to set up private accounts and MyStockAlerts if they want to receive email notifications of press releases, insider trades, corporate documents, expert commentaries, analyst reports and more.