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StockResearchPortal.com - Economic Research

An understanding of macro-economic context is integral to investing in the oil and gas and mining sectors in Canada and StockResearchPortal.com aims to provide it.

The economic climate can have an effect on stock and unit values at any given time. Macro-economic changes can happen quickly and investors should be aware of the climate always.

StockResearchPortal.com offers up-to-date economic data such as gross domestic product, jobs numbers, manufacturing, consumer confidence, inflation, national debt, housing numbers and more for the US, Canada, China, Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

Al the data is compiled at StockResearchPortal.com, updated and charted on the website for ease of use and understanding.

Also the website provides links to the Economist magazine’s country details for all relevant countries in the oil and gas and mining industries.

StockResearchPortal.com also present investors with links to up-to-date economic reports from major banks and analysts, as well as recently published books, studies and research reports on countries, ideas and trends.

StockReseachPortal.com’s economic research provides a good base and a starting point for understanding economics and its effect on the oil & gas and mining sectors.