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Home | Tutorials | Director & Insider Cross-Overs


Our Director Cross-Overs feature enables our Subscribers to quickly learn which company insiders are insiders of other companies – a measure of both insiders connections, and of insider ‘time focus’.  We believe that our Director Cross-Overs feature will bring information to your attention that you otherwise might miss.

Please suggest how we can make this feature even more valuable to you.  E-mail us at You must be a Subscriber to access this Feature.

Our Director Cross-Overs Feature in Pictures

Step 1: Click on ‘Company’ in the Main Navigation Bar identified by the red arrow shown on the following screenshot.

Step 2: Type the name, or partial name, of the company whose data you want to review, and click ‘Search’. If you are not certain of a company’s name (i.e. Great Panther Silver Ltd.), simply type ‘Great’ or ‘Great Panther’, our automated system will find the company for you.

Step 3: Look for ”Management/Directors” on the right menu of any Company Data page. Open the dropdown and select Company Cross References.

Step 4:  Review all Management/Directors Cross-References for that company.